Valentine's Day Yummies!
Hey ! Welcome Back !
So, I am excited to say that Valentine's Day is tomorrow !
I hope you all are excited as much as I am. Just remember, Valentine's Day doesn't always have to be about loving your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife. Let's make this valentine's day about loving everyone around you ! This year my fiancé and i decided to spend valentine's day with my sister, niece and nephew. We are very close and we realized it's such an awesome idea. Why haven't we thought about this before ? I think society puts too much emphasis on Valentine's day being about boyfriend/girlfriend relationships rather than loving everyone. Anyways, lets get down to the Yummies!
So this year I let time get ahead of me and didn't plan all to well, but these yummies came out great! (family members or in my case my fiancé make great test testers! lol)
Ingredients: - two boxes of pie crust (the boxes I got from pathmark had two pie crust per box)
- one egg
- Jam (I used strawberry preserves, your choice)
- fork, 1/4 teaspoon measure
- heart cookie cutter (purchased mine from party city in a pack of three)
- powder sugar (optional)
Process: So I started off by cutting the pie crust with the cookie cutter. When I got to the point where i couldn't cut another heart i just crumpled it up and rolled it back out and got to cutting. Once cut I add the jam on one side (1/4 teaspoon full and just a half of that more). The jam will spill out if too much is added. I put another heart on top of that press down on the sides then seal with a fork. Crack the egg, whisk it, and brush it on lightly to the top of the hearts. Make sure to add tiny holes in the middle so that the insides have a steam release. Pop in the preheated (350 degrees) oven for 20 mins and your done! They look like these below.
Ingredients: - Oreo's (Chocolate or Vanilla, your choice)
- Candy Melts (melting chocolate, I bought bright white)
- lollipop sticks
- sprinkles, sprinkles and more sprinkles!
Process: Oreo's need to be frozen for about 2-3 hours before you used them to make these. Make sure to pop the sticks in them before you put them into the freezer. Once frozen, start to melt your chocolate. This can be tricky because you can overheat them and at this point there is no turning back they are burnt! I recumbent 30 seconds intervals and once you see some of the chips melted just stir it should become liquid like, its ready. if you work fast you can take all of the Oreo's out of the freezer but if your a little slower like me, take them out one by one (I learned the hard way, some of the warmed Oreo's fell off the stick). Just dip in chocolate, take a spoon and throw some more over the part where the lollipop sticks go and dip in sprinkles. I used flat plates to place the sprinkles on for easy dipping. Easy 1,2,3! Set on wax paper to harden. I put mine in the fridge just so that it wouldn't melt over night. Here are some pics !
The chocolate will become smooth once you stir. |
-Faneeza <3
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