Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Big Surprise.

Hey, Welcome Back !

So, in my last post I told you that my fiancé and I had planned a surprise for my niece and nephew on Valentines Day. We were so excited to see their faces when they opened up their gifts. Now, don't get me wrong. You don't need a gift on every holiday, I usually just make something I can throw some candies in and hand it off but we decided to use this Valentines Day as way to surprise them because its almost like they can read the excitement off of our faces on a regular day. We decided to upgrade their phones to iPhones. They had a touch screen phone but it really couldn't connect to anything and it was basically to test if they could manage taking care of the phones before we spent the big bucks. We were so excited i caught it on camera (sorry for the bad camera quality, I'm just getting the hang of this.) Here it goes :)

The Prep:

So to make these things we had to figure out how to present it to them without just handing it over. We were thinking hey lets tell them we have to take their phones away because there was some sort of service issue and switch out the sim cards but I don't think I would have been able to keep a straight face. Then, we had an idea to download a laser tag game that can be played with the iPhones and taunt them (because they didn't have iPhones) but that seemed a little cruel. We finally decided to grab some 3 dollar buckets from Party City, fill it with candy and prop the phone in the middle. Like this:

Can you tell that we try to cover the iPhone box with a candy bag haha. We tried, but I think the end result came out pretty well. Take a look:

The Process: 

So at this point, holding such exciting news from them for such a long time was killing us! We wanted to see their little happy faces already. So we took the drive out to my sisters house and ran up their stairs. Take a look at the video to see what happened after that, click here to view. The first valentines spent with family was awesome! We had such a fun time. 

Hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to follow me on twitter @fanamia_ . Let me know if you like my blogs and what you'd like to read. Until next time,
                           -Faneeza <3

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